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How To Sell a House with IM Creator? Or Better Yet, an Island!

26.05.14 By Ruthie No comments

Selling a house can be tough. Whether you are a real estate professional whose been doing it for years or a first-time home seller, you want your house to sell fast. You also probably want to get the asked price for it.

We all know how you can get people to know your house is on sale: if you are selling the house yourself, post an offline and online ad, publish a post on your Facebook page and that’s pretty much it. You can also hire a realtor to assist you.

But, once you get the exposure, you want people to see the house in its full potential and have your phone ring off the hook. Unfortunately, that is not an easy task with a short 1-2 line ad in your local paper or on online boards.

One simple and affordable way to achieve grabbing people’s attention is to build a dedicated website for the house sale.

With a website, you can add pictures and videos of the house, you are not limited in text by the ad space in the paper or online board and visitors have a direct and quick link to you.



With a dedicated website, you can even add details such as Seller’s Story. Some houses are so unique, a story or the house history can increase the value of the house and make its sale faster.

You can add so much details about the house and stand out from the dull 1-2 line ads.

Add a video, photo gallery, map, downloadable file with valuable buyer information, tax and fees information and more. You can add all the information that is exactly what your potential buyer is looking for.



Selling an island? Ha! There are even websites for that – what a perfect way to showcase the gorgeous property.


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Impressive Digital Painting For Your Inspiration

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